Become a member
Can I apply for membership?
Members of the Association can be member companies and member associates.
Member companies
There may be members of the Association the natural persons or legal entities that regularly engage in the phonogram producer activity and own the rights granted to them by the Intellectual Property Law.
For the purposes of our Association, the phonograms’ producer is understood as included in any of the following categories:
- The producer of phonograms and/or music videos that, besides, commercialises them.
- The publisher of the phonograms and/or videograms understood as that which exercises the reproduction and distribution rights transferred to by the phonogram producer.
Member associates
There may be member associates of the Association the natural persons or legal entities that agglutinate, as agents, the rights of one or more phonogram producers. To be member associate the following requirements must be met: to be incorporated as a company or as a self-employed entrepreneur and to hold a management mandate from at least one phonographic producer, providing a supporting document to be reviewed by AGEDI.
Non-full member companies
To become non-full member companies, phonograms’ producers must meet the following requirements: to accreditate the condition of phonogram producer; to proof the ownership or exclusive transfer in Spain of, at least, one commercial phonogram or music video; to be incorporated as a company or as a self-employed entrepreneur; to pay the entry fee and not to belong to any other association which purposes are similar, equal, contrary or that may be in conflict with those of AGEDI, to which they would have transferred the same rights.
Full member companies
Full member companies must also have a minimum membership of four years as non-full member companies, to be up to date of their economic contributions and to have earned during the last two years over 0.04% on average of the rights’ distributions from the total rights distributed in the referred period.
Member Associates
There can be member associates of the Association the legal entities or persons that bring together as agents the rights of one or more phonograms’ producers.
All members of the Association, whatever their membership category, shall benefit from AGEDI’s collection of the above mentioned rights, the following rights, namely:
- The public communication of phonograms and music videos.
- The reproduction of phonograms and music exclusively for direct or indirect public communication.
- The private copying equitable remuneration, envisaged by article 25 of Intellectual Property Law, recently amended.
If you wish to join our society, you can launch the Online Admission Application process by selecting below the option according to the type of member you wish to apply for (member company or agent):
This document contains additional information regarding the association: