What is ISRC?

The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is an international standard code created by recording industry to fulfil the need to identify sound recordings and music videos. IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) is the international ISRC agency, it coordinates this codification system and appoints national agencies in different territories. AGEDI is the National Agency for ISRC in Spain.

IFPI recommends all phonogram producers to adopt ISRC as an international instrument to identify sound recordings and music videos.

Click to visit ISRC official website


The Registrant Entity has the following obligations regarding the ISRC management system:

  • The Registrant Entity is responsible for assigning the Designation Code.
  • Registrants can only assign ISRC codes once issued with a Registrant Code from the National ISRC Agency for their territory.

Among its obligations are the following:

  • Ensure the uniqueness of ISRC codes.
  • Keep a register of all ISRC Codes that have been assigned and their related details in a relevant database.
  • Include ISRC in all relevant documents concerning the rights in a recording and their licensing.
  • Ensure that a competent person is responsible for the assignment of ISRC and the application of the pertinent regulations to their respect.
  • Keep a permanent contact with National Agency and provide them the ISRC codes that have been assigned when requested.

Benefits of using ISRC

  • It allows for an effective exchange of information regarding the identification and use of sound recordings and music videos.
  • It simplifies the management of rights associated to sound recordings and music videos, as it is a single and worldwide accepted identification system.
  • ISRC is more and more present in electronic and digital rights management systems.
  • It provides to potential users of sound recordings and music easy access to the information on the current rights owner. In this regard, the premise is to get a broad usage among phonographic producers, music licensing companies, broadcasting organizations, libraries, etc.
  • It is a cost-efficient encoding system, as it can be implemented without the need for a special investment in equipment. It only requires a structure capable of managing the ISRC administration within the organization.

Structure of the ISRC

The ISRC consists of twelve characters representing:

  • Prefix Code (5 characters): 2 corresponding to the Country and 3 characters of Registrant Code
  • Year of Reference (2 digits)
  • Designation Code (5 digits)

For visual presentation the code is divided into four elements separated by hyphens and the letters ISRC should always precede an ISRC code, as in the example below:

ISRC ES-000-24-00001

Despite the separation of the code into elements, what really identifies a recording or music video is the full 12 characters. It is important to highlight that ISRC identifies the sound recordings and music videos, and not the carriers containing them, so a specific recording that is available is different carriers (cassette, CD, DVD, vinyl, etc.) shall have the same ISRC Code in all formats.

How do I get ISRC?

For Spain, AGEDI is the National Agency for ISRC and responsible for issuing ISRC Registrant Code or Company Code.

There are several ways to get an ISRC Registrant Code:


It is necessary to have your own repertoire already commercialized. Please, review the information in section Become a member.

All Spanish national members of AGEDI receive a Registrant Code for the codification of their sound recordings and music videos with ISRC.

Please, bear in mind that belonging to AGEDI entails costs.


If you don’t wish to be a member of AGEDI or don’t meet the requirement, but you still need the ISRC, you can obtain an ISRC Registrant Code as participant in the system- In that case, you shall have to settle the corresponding management cost, currently fixes in 130€ (IVA not included).


There is a third way for independent artists or small label which is to hire the services of am ISRC Manager which shall be in charge of allocating complete ISRC codes to recordings.

Request more info on ISRC managers appointed by AGEDI clicking on the above buttons.

If you need mor information before applying for ISRC, please request information by filling the online form below. Select language and request type ISRC. We’ll contact you to clarify.

Use the same form to apply as ISRC MANAGER.